
15 Apr 2013

Fruit trees and some hot weather

Yesterday we enjoyed the first warm spring day of the year. Well, it was almost hot! We had to go inside for a bit because we weren't used to all these high temperatures.

Part of the reason we bought this house was because it has a big garden - as you might remember from previous posts. Well, we finally got some things planted!! We already owned a plum tree and now we've planted some more trees: apple, pear, peach and cherries. We're not sure how they'll turn out, Belgium doesn't always have the best produce, but we'll see :)

plum blossoms!

We also planted 2 raspberry bushes and two blackberry bushes. Ideally I'd like to get some blueberries too!
We already owned a lot of strawberries but we added some new plants, as well as some more rhubarb. Have you ever tried a rhubarb cake?! It is devine!!

This kind of stuff just makes me happy! I'm already thinking about home-made jam, a freezer filled with fresh home-grown fruits, some delicious cakes... Mmmm...

Next on our garden to-do list: veggies! I'll need to get some more tomato-seeds as well as zucchini. I also have a lot of flowers but I'll need to ask Jeff to first make a little fence so Janneman won't eat them.

How is the weather where you live? Have you been enjoying some spring weather?


Chelsea Marrs said...

Aww sooo pretty! I wish we could have room for Plum Blossoms in San Francisco! :P

Love your blog & can't wait to read more!

Hope you can stop by my food blog & drop your two cents! :D

Joke said...

Zalig, zo'n tuin.

Dove of Snow said...

Ooooooh I love fruit! And berries are great, too!

The pic of you and Jannemann is sooooo adorable! How fun. :)

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